
Publisher's Pride: Books on Bestseller Lists - RV Oopsies (MacDonald)

  Today's publisher's pride is  RV Oopsies   by Larry MacDonald, which reached #38 on Amazon's bestseller list for travel humor, #119 in travel, tourism, and hospitality, and #347 in business and professional humor. (This book has been in the Amazon top 100 nearly every month since its release.) Book Description: Every year thousands of RVers hit the road for fun and adventure, but RVing has built in misadventures-backing into a tree, bending a jack stand, and more-spoiling an otherwise perfect outing. For the past ten years, the author has asked RVers the same question: "What's the dumbest thing you've done while RVing?" Each year, he has given an award for the dumbest mishap. In this funny and helpful handbook, 101 of these mishaps come together so the reader can learn from other people's mistakes, saving them unnecessary grief and cash. - Always use a spotter when entering or departing a campsite. - Do a walk-around inspection before moving your rig...

Good Blood by Irit Schaffer Wins Another Award - Pinnacle Book Achievement Award

  Good Blood, Edition 2  by Irit Schaffer has won another award: Pinnacle Book Achievement Award. Congratulations, Irit! Book description: When she was a child, her father said he had "good blood" and that is why he and his wife survived and healed from the Holocaust. The author searched for the meaning and significance of her father's words over two continents and through four generations. Her journey uncovered a unique voice of wisdom revealing mysteries of the healing powers within us and the existence of light in every situation that helps us overcome and transcend any obstacle. This book is a quest into the depth of the human spirit. It is a rich family memoir, being deeply personal, sharing joy and pain and fear and forgiveness. It encompasses the themes of life and a topic in common with every reader: complicated family relationships. Awards earned by the first edition Hollywood Book Festival silver medal Paris Book Festival silver medal Book Excellence Award Award...

Book Jewel of the Month: Lamentations of the Heart (Wells-Smith)

  What is a  book jewel ? A sometimes-overlooked book with remarkable insight and potential significance. Each month, we share near-daily, or as often as possible, reviews of the monthly book jewel - short, succinct reviews that can be read in 1-2 minutes with links to the reviewer by reviewers whose words are worthy of being heard and whose opinions are worthy of being considered. Sometimes a couple of minutes contains more impressive thought than ten times that many. We will let you decide that. This month's book jewel is  Lamentations of the Heart   by Marti Wells-Smith. Description Lamentations of the Heart  soulfully combines contemporary free verse poetry and nonfictional prose to tell the story of one mother’s grief following the death of her only child. The author interweaves scriptural passages with the inevitable struggles to accept and make sense of her new reality. All of it reveals the unending love for family that remains. Written to reach out to o...

Tip #16 from 365 Teacher Secrets for Parents - Break it up!

    Today's tip for parents (from two talented teachers) comes from  365 Teacher Secrets for Parents  by Cindy McKinley Alder and Patti Trombly (yes, those are the two talented teachers). #16 Break it up!   Nothing is particularly hard if you divide it up into small jobs. ~Henry Ford   Many tasks, from homework assignments to chores, can seem overwhelming to children. No matter what the job is, if your child needs help, perhaps you could help her before she even starts. See if you and your child can work together to break the entire task into smaller, more manageable parts. For a younger child, it may be helpful to write the steps down for her to check off as she accomplishes them. For older children, a verbal discussion may be all that is necessary to get them off to a good start. Your child may be more willing and able to take the whole project on herself once she sees a clear way to get there.        Cindy McKinley Alde...