Excerpt from The Marriage Whisperer: Top Five Communication Strategies

Top Five Communication Points 1. Being a good communicator in a work setting or among friends is not evidence you communicate well in your intimate relationships. We stumble through mood upheaval and drama in our personal communications. A higher level of emotion is present and shapes our communication. You are entitled to express, “That’s not what I understood,” but how can you seriously claim to know “that’s not what you meant” when your partner says it is. 2. While you (or the other) can provide excellent or better audiorecall of the precise words spoken, it does not mean you are a better communicator than your partner. You have a more detailed recall; that’s it. Your recall is not the same as having an accurate understanding; communication is about understanding. 3. Forget hooking up with an official source to “prove” what the other person meant with the words he chose. The dictionary does not interpret or dictate personal meaning. 4. In conversation, meaning is put in...