Oldies (before this blog existed) But Goodies (really good to know): Book Review of Lessons of Labor (Aziz) from Readers' Favorite

Because we had published a number of very good books before starting this blog, books that to this day have a growing fan club, we consider it important to share some "oldies but goodies" with our readers. Today's oldie-but-goodie is a review of Lessons of Labor (Julia Aziz) from Readers' Favorite. Says RF: The writing style is fluid, descriptive, honest, assertive and simple. All the advice is easy to incorporate and practice. The book is also a nice way of looking at motherhood through someone else's eyes. Apart from expectant mothers and new mothers, this book will be helpful to all birth or postpartum professionals. Read the review here: Book review of Lessons of Labor - Readers' Favorite: Book Reviews and Award Contest For more posts by and about Julia and her book, click HERE . Sign up for the MSI Press LLC monthly newsletter (recent releases, sales/discounts, awards, reviews, Amazon top 100 list, author advice, and more -- stay up to date) F...