
Showing posts from February, 2025

Book Jewel of the Month: Road Map to Power

  What is a book jewel? A sometimes-overlooked book with remarkable insight and potential significance. Each month, we share near-daily, or as often as possible, reviews of the monthly book jewel - short, succinct reviews that can be read in 1-2 minutes with links to the reviewer by reviewers whose words are worthy of being heard and whose opinions are worthy of being considered. Sometimes a couple of minutes contains more impressive thought than ten times that many. We will let you decide that. This month's book jewel is  Road Map to Power  by Syed and Darius Husain . Description What is the true source of authentic power? Offering a detour from the dead end of this "buy more, be more" culture, the authors demonstrate why the traditional routes to power are accessible only for an elite few. Wrapping warm, profound stories of empowerment around an extensive body of research, Road Map to Power is your guide to a life of dignity, satisfaction, and happiness. keywords: authe...

Publisher's Pride: Books on Bestseller Lists - RV Oopsies (MacDonald)

  Today's publisher's pride is  RV Oopsies   by Larry MacDonald, which reached #86 on Amazon's bestseller list for travel humor, #274 in travel, tourism, and hospitality, and #394 in business and professional humor. (This book has been in the Amazon top 100 nearly every month since its release.) Book Description: Every year thousands of RVers hit the road for fun and adventure, but RVing has built in misadventures-backing into a tree, bending a jack stand, and more-spoiling an otherwise perfect outing. For the past ten years, the author has asked RVers the same question: "What's the dumbest thing you've done while RVing?" Each year, he has given an award for the dumbest mishap. In this funny and helpful handbook, 101 of these mishaps come together so the reader can learn from other people's mistakes, saving them unnecessary grief and cash. - Always use a spotter when entering or departing a campsite. - Do a walk-around inspection before moving your rig...

Coming Soon! Second Edition, Learning to Feel (Girrell)

  Coming Soon! Second edition of the popular and award-winning book,  Learning to Feel . Available now on pre-order on  Kindle  and at the MSI Press  webstore ! Emotional intelligence on steroids - up close and personal; you will want this, many have already benefitted from reading the first edition.   Watch for a March 1 release (approximate). Book description:  Understanding the complexities of human behavior and emotional response is no real help when it comes to experiencing feelings. In fact, having studied psychology and emotions as a career got in the way. In order to reconnect to his feelings-or what might be called the experience of the emotional experience-the author had to peel back layer upon layer to unlock the many places where his emotive process had been stuck. Learning to Feel may be one person's journey in emotional discovery, but it serves as a set of trail blazes through the dark forest of discovery for others to follow. Each c...

Tip #59 from 365 Teacher Secrets for Parents (McKInley & Trombly) - Child As Teacher

  Today's tip for parents from two talented teachers comes from  365 Teacher Secrets for Parents  by Cindy McKinley Alder and Patti Trombly. #59 Your Child Is a Teacher, Too!   To teach is to learn twice.  ~Joseph Joubert               As you may recall from Idea #23, having your child teach something she's learned to someone else is the best way to be sure she really understands the information and that she will remember it. So, don’t miss an opportunity to allow your child to be a teacher, too.             There are many ways in which you can encourage this almost effortlessly. Try having your child explain what she’s learning in science to your family at dinner. Can she retell a story to Grandma and Grandpa? Maybe a younger sibling would enjoy hearing her list the states and their capitols. She could impress an older sibling with her spelling o...