Daily Excerpt: Forget the Goal, the Journey Counts (Stites) - Absorbing the Twenties (1)
Excerpt from Forget the Goal, the Journey Counts (Stites) Absorbing the ‘20s! I don’t remember much before I was six years old except that as a little kid I was happy in those bubbling days of the 1920s. It was called the Roaring Twenties, and everyone seemed to be doing just great. In the 1928 presidential election, the candidate Al Smith said he would see that the whole country had a chicken in every pot and a car in every garage. Things were that good! Calvin Coolidge had been president, and my dad said he was an all right president even if he didn’t say much. Dad said they called him Silent Cal, and that he wouldn’t run for another term because he had “had enough.” He never did say enough of what. So Hoover ran and won. Dad said it was because Democrat Al Smith was a Catholic and no Catholic could ever be elected president. Dad had Hoover and Smith buttons along with buttons and rib bons from presidential elections all the way back into th...