Daily Excerpt: 57 Steps to Paradise (Lorenz) - Sam, First Husband
Excerpt from 57 Steps to Paradise by Patricia Lorenz-- Sam, First Husband I’m writing this book for women in their 40s, 50s, 60s, 70s, 80s and 90s who are single, divorced, or widowed and who are interested in finding a good man with whom to share the rest of their lives. In order to do that I must first unzip my soul and expose my foibles. Think about it. Nobody wants to read about the perfect woman in the perfect house wearing the perfect designer outfit with the perfect man at her side. We women want the real belly-in-the-muck-of-life story. We want to read about the tough parts, the sad, anguishing parts of a real woman’s life, and hopefully learn how she wiggled out of the mud and muck into the light with a pretty good man’s arms available for a great bear hug every so often. So, that’s what I’m going to give you. The truth. I’ve made many mistakes when it comes to men, but I don’t think I’m that much differently from many women. After all, th...