Publisher's Pride: Books on Bestseller Lists - Andrew's Awesome Adventures with His ADHD Brain (Wilcox)
Today's publisher's pride is Andrew's Awesome Adventures with His ADHD Brain by Kristin and Andrew Wilcox, which reached #297 in attention deficit disorder, a great achievement since these categories are broad and, therefore, competitive. Book description: In this two-part book Andrew and his neuroscientist mom each tell their story about living with the inattentive subtype of ADHD. How do you survive life and middle school with an ADHD elephant in your brain? Kids with ADHD will relate to Andrew's reactions to everyday and school-related situations, like remembering to turn in homework, staying organized, and making friends. Using practical strategies Andrew learns to manage his ADHD even when his brain sometimes feels "like and overstuffed garbage can, the lid won't stay on and garbage is falling out all over the floor". He even realizes there is a positive side to having ADHD like creativity, fearlessness and hyperfocus. Dr. Wilcox discusses...