Tip #17 from 365 Teacher Secrets for Parents - Homework
Today's tip for parents (from two talented teachers) comes from 365 Teacher Secrets for Parents by Cindy McKinley Alder and Patti Trombly (yes, those are the two talented teachers). #17 Having a Homework Policy How doth the little busy bee improve each shining hour And gather honey all the day from every opening flower! ~Isaac Watts If your child is like most, he is probably as busy as a bee. Whether he has homework every day or seldom, truckloads or not much, it is important for your family to have a Homework Policy. This may include rules for when homework is to be completed, where, and how. Many fights stem from kids trying to put homework off until later in the evening or even for another day. If you establish rules that must be obeyed, your child will feel no need to argue. Choose a time when you or another responsible adult will be around to help out if needed. You could try first thing after school, just before or after dinner, bef...