Tip #3 from 365 Teacher Secrets for Parents (McKinley & Trombly) - Success
Today's tip for parents (from two talented teachers) comes from 365 Teacher Secrets for Parents by Cindy McKinley Alder and Patti Trombly (yes, those are the two talented teachers). #3 Defining Success The only place you'll find success before work is in the dictionary. ~May B. Smith You want your child to be successful. You bought this book to find ways to help ensure that You will find many, but keep in mind that success comes in many forms. Often, elementary parents become too focused on academic success, wanting to get their child off to a good start. While this is definitely a valid point, don't forget to find other ways your child is successful. Today, begin an informal discussion (perhaps at the dinner table) about success. How does everyone define it? How does each hope to achieve it? If the discussion starts off slowly or if you just want to add some inspiration, try reading this poem by Harry Emerson Fosdick: To laugh often and much; to...