
Showing posts with the label Colette McNeil

Daily Excerpt: Entienda el desafío del -NO- en los niños con autismo (McNeil)

    from  Entienda el desafío del -NO- en los niños con autismo  by Colette McNeil Pragmática  Real Academia Española  Pragmático, ca  Del lat. pragmatĭcus, y este del gr. πραγματικός pragmatikós.  1. adj. Inclinado al pragmatismo. Apl. a pers., u. t. c. s.  2. adj. Perteneciente o relativo a la pragmática.  3. f. Ley emanada de competente autoridad, que se diferenciaba de los reales decretos y órdenes generales en las fórmulas de su publicación. 4. f. Ling. Disciplina que estudia el lenguaje en su relación con los hablantes, así como los enunciados que estos profieren y las diversas circunstancias que concurren en la comunicación. Read more posts about Colette and her book HERE . Read more book excerpts  HERE . Sign up for the MSI Press LLC monthly newsletter (recent releases, sales/discounts, awards, reviews, Amazon top 100 list, author advice, and more -- stay up to date)   Follow MSI Press on  Twitter ,...

The Story behind the Book: Understanding the Challenge of No for Children with Autism (McNeil)

  From the author -- The story behind Understanding the Challenge of, “No” for Children with Autism The author Colette McNeil was inspired to write Understanding the Challenge of, “No” for Children with Autism in the hopes of sharing information on how making purposeful choices when speaking to children with autism can improve understanding and cooperation. In her 30 years of working with autistic children, the author has noticed that the assistance provided to parents, care givers and education staff has mostly been delivered through a series of explicit strategies to address specific instances of need. The collection of a bag full of tricks or “tool bag,” is encouraged. For example, if we want a child to learn to request a snack item we teach the specific phrase “I want cookie please.” Then if we want the child to follow a direction to wash their hands we teach the specific phrase “Wash Hands.” The guiding adults learn these phrases as independent tools without understanding why ...

Daily Excerpt: Choice and Structure for Children with Autism (McNeil) -

  Excerpt from  Choice and Structure for Children with Autism  (McNeil) -  Chapter 1 Some Simple Strategies Some Simple Strategies I would like to offer some simple strategies that could be helpful. Don’t worry! I am not going to attempt to teach you how to make your home a strict Applied Behavioral Analysis (ABA) program. I simply hope to offer some ideas to organize your day and offer a better outcome than the dismal portrait described above. These strategies will assist parents in developing simple and safe routines and choices that will make long days at home more engaging, cooperative, and positively stimulating for children with autism, their parents and siblings.   Ideas that will help decrease boredom, protesting, and isolation, while increasing, engagement, interaction, and cooperation will be shared throughout this book. The chapters will have relatable life stories included. These stories will demonstrate the chapter topic and provide a foundation for...

Daily Excerpt: Entienda el desafío del -NO- en los niños con autismo (McNeil)

  from   Entienda el desafío del -NO- en los niños con autismo by Colette McNeil No Real Academia Española No Del lat. Non.  1. adv. Expresa Negación. No vendrá. U. a menudo para responder a preguntas. —¿Quieres un poco más? — No, gracias.  2. adv. Introduce un contraste entre lo expresado por el elemento sobre el que incide y algún otro segmento presente o sobrentendido. No te pedí que lo enviaras el lunes, sino el martes. No fue Juan.  3. adv. Denota la inexistencia, o lo contrario, de lo designado por la voz a la que precede o la ausencia de lo expresado por ella. La no violencia. Obras de no ficción. Actitudes no beligerantes. No muy lejos de allí.  4. adv. Introduce interrogaciones que reclaman una contestación afirmativa, en ocasiones atenuando un mandato, una petición, una sugerencia o una recriminación. ¿No quiere café? ¿No callarás?  5. adv. Introduce interrogaciones con las que se desea confirmar una informaci...

Daily Excerpt: Choice and Structure for Children with Autism (McNeil) - Long Days at Home

  Excerpt from Choice and Structure for Children with Autism (McNeil) -  Chapter 1 Introduction Choice & Structure for Children with Autism is about identifying and celebrating the role of structure in supporting autistic children. We want children with autism to do more than exist—not just live, but confidently engage in home life. We desire for them to do more than survive. We hold out hope that they grow to the best of their individual potentials. Research and experience have shown autism advocates that structure is a great tool to that end. Children with autism absolutely thrive within high levels of structure. In the following chapters, I hope to show how that structure does not need to be rigid, overbearing, or difficult.   Many Long Days at Home Our regular routines of school and work during the week and predictable weekend activities help all of us maintain balance. We know the schedule, we plan for the expectations, and we live these routines comfortably. W...

Publisher's Pride: Books on Bestseller Lists - Entienda el desafio de - No - en los ninos con autismo (McNeil)

  #300 in parenting disabled children Today's Publisher's Pride is  Entienda el desafío del -NO- en los niños con autismo  by Colette McNeil , which reached #300 in parenting children with disabilities, a great achievement since this particular category is pretty broad and, therefore, competitive. It also reached #328 in the elementary school category, which is a truly big category. Read more posts about Colette and her books  HERE . Sign up for the MSI Press LLC newsletter Follow MSI Press on  Twitter ,  Face Book , and  Instagram .   Interested in publishing with MSI Press LLC? Check out information on  how to submit a proposal . Interested in publishing with  MSI Press LLC ? Check out information on  how to submit a proposal . Planning on self-publishing and don't know where to start? Our  author au pair  services will mentor you through the process. Interested in receiving a free copy of this or any MSI Press LLC book ...