Daily Excerpt: Communicative Focus (Shekhtman and Kupchanka) - defining and evaluating communicative focus
Today's excerpt comes from Communicative Focus by Boris Shekhtman and Dina Kupchanka - The Communicative Focus We call the correlation between ideational and mechanical planes of speech Communicative Focus (CF). This term was introduced by Betty Lou Leaver and Boris Shekhtman (2002) in the book Developing Professional-Level Language Proficiency . CF convincingly reveals the communicative essence of a person's speech and shows that communicative quality of speech, first of all, depends on how automatic this person is in expressing his or her ideas. This correlation may have different modes. The ideational and mechanical planes may coincide with each other, which makes CF completely automatic, and this coincidence means that ideational plan has enough controlled mechanical elements to express itself. The ideational plane and mechanical planes may not coincide with each other to this or that de...