
Showing posts with the label Depression Anonymous

Publisher's Pride: Books on Bestseller Lists - Depression Anonymous (Ortman)

                                Today's Publisher's Pride is  Depression Anonymous  by Dennis Ortman, which recently reached #79 on Amazon in emotional self-help. Book Description: When you feel depressed, suffering from a deep sadness, do you feel powerless over your mood? Does your life feel unmanageable because of it? Does your preoccupation with past hurts and regrets interfere with your life? Do you feel hopeless about finding a cure for your depression? If you answer "yes" to these questions, you may be addicted to your mood. It acts like a drug that sedates, numbs, and possesses you, causing you to sleepwalk through life. Viewing your depressed mood as an addiction, Dr. Ortman guides you through the time-tested Twelve Steps of Alcoholics Anonymous to find healing and growth. He shows how the Steps offer practical wisdom to awaken your spirit deadened by your depression. The Steps p...

Publisher's Pride: Books on Bestseller Lists - Depression Anonymous (Ortman)

                                Today's Publisher's Pride is  Depression Anonymous  by Dennis Ortman, which recently reached #79 on Amazon in emotional self-help. Book Description: When you feel depressed, suffering from a deep sadness, do you feel powerless over your mood? Does your life feel unmanageable because of it? Does your preoccupation with past hurts and regrets interfere with your life? Do you feel hopeless about finding a cure for your depression? If you answer "yes" to these questions, you may be addicted to your mood. It acts like a drug that sedates, numbs, and possesses you, causing you to sleepwalk through life. Viewing your depressed mood as an addiction, Dr. Ortman guides you through the time-tested Twelve Steps of Alcoholics Anonymous to find healing and growth. He shows how the Steps offer practical wisdom to awaken your spirit deadened by your depression. The Steps p...

Publisher's Pride: Books on Bestseller Lists - Depression Anonymous (Ortman)

                                      Today's Publisher's Pride is Depression Anonymous by Dennis Ortman, which recently reached #79 on Amazon in emotional self-help. Book Description: When you feel depressed, suffering from a deep sadness, do you feel powerless over your mood? Does your life feel unmanageable because of it? Does your preoccupation with past hurts and regrets interfere with your life? Do you feel hopeless about finding a cure for your depression? If you answer "yes" to these questions, you may be addicted to your mood. It acts like a drug that sedates, numbs, and possesses you, causing you to sleepwalk through life. Viewing your depressed mood as an addiction, Dr. Ortman guides you through the time-tested Twelve Steps of Alcoholics Anonymous to find healing and growth. He shows how the Steps offer practical wisdom to awaken your spirit deadened by your depressi...

Daily Excerpt: Depression Anonymous (Ortman) - Psychotic Depression

    excerpt from Depression Anonymous  (Dennis Ortman) --  PSYCHOTIC DEPRESSION Jennifer, a suicidal woman with two children: “I’ve never been happy in my marriage. The only good thing that has come of it is my two children. My husband is a drunk. When he drinks he becomes mean. When I argue with him, he can become violent. I can’t believe I was so stupid to marry someone just like my father. That depresses me. After fighting with my husband, I often feel hopeless and trapped and fall into a deep depression. I’m inconsolable at those times and just want to sleep. I have zero energy. I literally can’t do anything. My sister has to come and take care of the children when I get that way. I feel so guilty about that, but can’t help myself. One time I became so depressed that I didn’t want to live anymore. I began making plans about how I would kill myself. I didn’t want to leave my children with my alcoholic husband, so I also thought about how I would kill them. I belie...