Daily Excerpt: Communicative Focus (Shekhtman & Kupchanka)

Today's excerpt comes from Communicative Focus by Boris Shekhtman and Dina Kupchanka - CF and Traits of Language Learning Individuals The LCF individual focuses first of all on how to say what he or she wants to communicate. For this individual, how usually requires more attention and effort than what ; in other words, the mechanical plane of communication is more important than the ideational plane. As a result of this the LCF students have one main problem: pausing. Very often the pause reflects the extra time it takes for the LCF to prepare an answer using a low automated pattern. The LCF individual also has to hunt for low automated words to express his or her thoughts. This creates pauses between sentences and between words within sentences. In addition, when the LCF person makes mistakes, whether of grammar or vocabulary (because of low automaticity), he or she often notices his or her mistakes and immediately corrects them, which again give...