Daily Excerpt: I Love My Kids, But I Don't Always Like Them (Bagdade) - Right-size Your Expectations

excerpt from I Love My Kids, But I Don't Always Like Them by Franki Bagdade Right Size Your Expectations! One day, you open your eyes and realize you’ve been sleeping on a regular basis, as if you’re a real human being! Most nights, those evolving little humans you created now fall asleep without any complicated strategy and they wake up feeling refreshed. You no longer keep a running tab of how many hours in a row you actually slept or even how many nights your children didn’t wake you up at three a.m. to eat a peach or discuss their favorite cartoon. Free of these chronic disturbances, you and your spouse don’t argue about who has woken up more before dawn (spoiler alert, I won that fight), and that realization is life changing. If you’re not there yet, you will be one day, I promise. It happens to the weariest of us. With the renewed confidence this sleep will bring, not to mention what it can do for your health, you may start ...