Daily Excerpt: From Deep Within (Lewis) - Blackjack
Excerpt from excerpt from From Deep Within (Lewis) Blackjack My first clinical experience was working in a state psychiatric hospital with a group of individuals who were diagnosed with schizophrenia. I was a new, inexperienced therapist. I had no idea what I was supposed to be doing. On the afternoon of our first group meeting, I came to the waiting area and figured a welcome to the new patients was a good start. When in doubt, be polite! I never even finished the first sentence of my greeting. As soon as I opened my mouth they stood up in unison and walked away from me toward the meeting room. I was surprised. I ran to the front of the parade and led them to the end of the hallway. No one looked at me or said anything. They shuffled, single file, into the room we had been assigned and plopped themselves down around a circular table. The space was small and cramped. We were so close together that the body odor of some people whiffed through the room. I hoped it might be easie