
Showing posts with the label G T Walker book reviews

Book Review of Curse of the Maestro (Walker) by Literary Titan

  Just in: Literary Titan's review of Curse of the Maestro by G T Walker. " imaginative and highly original dive into the bizarre...   kicks things off brilliantly, blending humor and absurdity with a clever reimagining of a classic “curse” tale... unconventional storytelling and a touch of the absurd... a unique and entertaining journey through one of the most peculiar fictional histories you’re likely to encounter. Walker’s vision is bold, and the book’s quirks are part of its charm." Read the full review at Literary Titan .   For other posts about GT Walker and his book, click  HERE . GET THIS BOOK FOR 25% DISCOUNT AT THE  MSI PRESS WEBSTORE ! USE COUPON CODE FF25. Want to buy Ken's books and not have to pay for them? Ask your local library to purchase and shelve it. Sign up for the MSI Press LLC monthly newsletter (recent releases, sales/discounts, awards, reviews, Amazon top 100 list, author advice, and more -- stay up to date)   Follow MSI Press...