Beyond the Text of Good Blood (Schaffer)
Over the next few days, Irit Schaffer, author of Good Blood, Second Edition, has offered to share family photos to help readers get a feel for the people in the memoir. Here she shares a photograph of her grandmother, writing - "I n this photo my grandma was 82 years old. She transcended in the camps and never let go of the light. Even during the darkest of times she was able to find the light. She would hold her daughter, my mother, every night in the camps, and say, tomorrow we will be liberated. This is what helped my mother survive. She had an inner peace about her that stayed with her for the rest of her life. This was part of the Good Blood light." Book description: When she was a child, her father said he had "good blood" and that is why he and his wife survived and healed from the Holocaust. The author searched for the meaning and significance of her father's words over two continents and through four generations. Her journey uncovered a unique voice ...