
Showing posts with the label Jonathan Shea

Book Review: He's a Porn Addict/...Now What (Overbay & Shea)

Great, insightful review of Overbay and Shea's groundbreaking book, He's a Porn Addict...Now What? in Mental Health @ Home . Excerpts: The book is written in a very conversational tone.  It’s very honest and straightforward, and there’s no skirting around issues.  It is not prescriptive, and different angles and potential strategies are explored.  The book is very practical, giving very reasonable suggestions that could be implemented in the real world. ***** Some of the questions addressed in the book: Isn’t it normal for most guys to like pornography? Is he like this because I won’t do certain things in the bedroom? Why won’t he just stop? How much do we tell the kids? Can’t I just pray this away? Can I force him to get help? Will I ever be able to trust him again? ***** I also appreciated that the book makes space for all the difficult feelings a partner may be struggling with.  The authors aren’t here to judge partner or addict; their ...

Author in the News: Joshua Shea Conducts Series of Podcasts on Porn Addiction

Joshua Shea, coauthor of He's a Porn Addiction...Now What? recently posted a couple of podcasts on porn addiction. Click on the link to listen to them. From Betrayal to Breakthrough The Drunkalogues