From the blog posts of MSI Press authors: Julia Aziz has a way to help angry, tired women

From Julia Aziz, author of Lessons of Labor : "I was listening to Elizabeth Gilbert on a podcast recently, and she said something along the lines of “What's going to help you not be an angry, tired woman?” I love this question! And I feel like the Release & Empower Women's Group Program is my answer to it." Read more at Julia's site HERE : For more posts about Julia and her book, click HERE . Sign up for the MSI Press LLC monthly newsletter (recent releases, sales/discounts, awards, reviews, Amazon top 100 list, author advice, and more -- stay up to date) See previous issues HERE . Follow MSI Press on Twitter , Face Book , and Instagram . Interested in publishing with MSI Press LLC? We help writers become award-winning published authors. One writer at a time. We are a family, not a factory. Do you have a future with us? Turned away by other publishers because you are a first-time author and/o...