
Showing posts with the label Kelly James

Book Review (Barnes and Noble): The Book That (Almost) Got Me Fired - Kelly James

  Actually, there are two book reviews of  Book That (Almost) Got Me Fired by Kelly K James, Paperback | Barnes & Noble® ( , which was just released (Saturday). Get some insight to prepare you for picking up the book and reading it -- and laughing -- and commiserating -- and getting involved in the life of the author. CURRENTLY #3 ON AMAZON'S LIST OF HOT NEW RELEASES. Book description: You're 52. Divorced. Single mom to a teenaged son and a tween daughter. Happily self-employed but worried about the cost of health insurance, the inevitable impact of perimenopause on your body, and whether you should keep dating a sexy plumber who's sweet and funny but lives an hour away and doesn't seem that into you. So, after 22 years of fulltime freelancing, you take a day job as a tiny, creaky cog in the corporate American machine where you're decades older than most of your coworkers - and you write about it. The Book That (Almost) Got Me Fired: A Year in

Author in the News: Bodacious Babes Book Club Welcomes Kelly James, Author of The Book That (Almost) Got Me Fired

  The Bodacious Babes Book Club recently welcomed Kelly James, author of the recently released book, The Book That Almost Got Me Fired .  This book is currently #3 on Amazon's hot new releases list in business humor and ranks overall on Amazon at #33 in business humor and #69 in job hunting.  Read information about the Bodacious Babes Book Club HERE. Note: if you would like to contact Kelly about the discussion questions and guidance she has promised to book clubs, you can reach her through MSI Press: For more posts about Kelly James and her book, click  HERE . Sign up for the MSI Press LLC monthly newsletter (recent releases, sales/discounts, awards, reviews, Amazon top 100 list, author advice, and more -- stay up to date) Follow MSI Press on  Twitter ,  Face Book , and  Instagram .   Interested in publishing with MSI Press LLC? Check out information on  how to submit a proposal . Planning on self-publishing and don't know where to start? Our  author au pair

The Book That (Almost) Got Me Fired! is now available as an ebook

  Released officially today:   The Book That (Almost) Got Me Fired  by Kelly James. And, already, it is #3 among Amazon's hot new releases in business and professional humor. Description: You're 52. Divorced. Single mom to a teenaged son and a tween daughter. Happily self-employed but worried about the cost of health insurance, the inevitable impact of perimenopause on your body, and whether you should keep dating a sexy plumber who's sweet and funny but lives an hour away and doesn't seem that into you. So, after 22 years of fulltime freelancing, you take a day job as a tiny, creaky cog in the corporate American machine where you're decades older than most of your coworkers - and you write about it. The Book That (Almost) Got Me Fired: A Year in Corporate America is an entertaining, midlife memoir that shares what (and what not) to do when you make that corporate leap. For more posts about Kelly James and her book, click  HERE . Sign up for the MSI Press LLC monthl

Released today: The Book That (Almost) Got Me Fired -- and already #3 on Amazon's Hot New Releases

  Released officially today:   The Book That (Almost) Got Me Fired  by Kelly James. And, already, it is #3 among Amazon's hot new releases in business and professional humor. Description: You're 52. Divorced. Single mom to a teenaged son and a tween daughter. Happily self-employed but worried about the cost of health insurance, the inevitable impact of perimenopause on your body, and whether you should keep dating a sexy plumber who's sweet and funny but lives an hour away and doesn't seem that into you. So, after 22 years of fulltime freelancing, you take a day job as a tiny, creaky cog in the corporate American machine where you're decades older than most of your coworkers - and you write about it. The Book That (Almost) Got Me Fired: A Year in Corporate America is an entertaining, midlife memoir that shares what (and what not) to do when you make that corporate leap. For more posts about Kelly James and her book, click  HERE . Follow  MSI Press  on  Twitter ,  Fa

Publisher's Pride (Books on Bestseller Lists) - The Book That (Almost) Got Me Fired (James)

Today's publisher's pride is The Book That (Almost) Got me Fired   by Kelly James, which reached #54 in attention deficit disorder, a great achievement since this particular category is pretty broad and, therefore, competitive. Read more posts about Kelly and her book, click  HERE . Sign up for the MSI Press LLC monthly newsletter (recent releases, sales/discounts, awards, reviews, Amazon top 100 list, author advice, and more -- stay up to date) Follow MSI Press on  Twitter ,  Face Book , and  Instagram .   Interested in publishing with MSI Press LLC? Check out information on  how to submit a proposal . Planning on self-publishing and don't know where to start? Our  author au pair  services will mentor you through the process. Interested in receiving a free copy of this or any MSI Press LLC book  in exchange for  reviewing  a current or forthcoming MSI Press LLC book? Contact Want an  author-signed copy  of this book? Purchase the book at 25% discount (

Author in the News: Kelly James plans book launch events

Kelly James , author of  The Book That (Almost) Got Me Fired ,  which will be released June 15, 2024, has several book launch events planned. If you are in the local area, why not drop by? Here is the list of events:  The Book That (Almost) Got Me Fired — Kelly K. James . Book Description: You're 52. Divorced. Single mom to a teenaged son and a tween daughter. Happily self-employed but worried about the cost of health insurance, the inevitable impact of perimenopause on your body, and whether you should keep dating a sexy plumber who's sweet and funny but lives an hour away and doesn't seem that into you. So, after 22 years of fulltime freelancing, you take a day job as a tiny, creaky cog in the corporate American machine where you're decades older than most of your coworkers - and you write about it. The Book That (Almost) Got Me Fired: A Year in Corporate America is an entertaining, midlife memoir that shares what (and what not) to do when you make that corporate leap

Available on Pre-order: The Book That (Almost) Got Me Fired (James)

  We are getting ready to launch  The Book That (Almost) Got Me Fired  by Kelly James. Look for it around June 15, 2024. Description: You're 52. Divorced. Single mom to a teenaged son and a tween daughter. Happily self-employed but worried about the cost of health insurance, the inevitable impact of perimenopause on your body, and whether you should keep dating a sexy plumber who's sweet and funny but lives an hour away and doesn't seem that into you. So, after 22 years of fulltime freelancing, you take a day job as a tiny, creaky cog in the corporate American machine where you're decades older than most of your coworkers - and you write about it. The Book That (Almost) Got Me Fired: A Year in Corporate America is an entertaining, midlife memoir that shares what (and what not) to do when you make that corporate leap. For more posts about Kelly James and her book, click  HERE . PREORDERS ARE VERY IMPORTANT TO AUTHORS.  YOU CAN PRE-ORDER THROUGH ANY ONLINE BOOKSTORE OR TH

Author in the News: Kelly James Interviewed for San Diego Metro by Douglas Page

  Kelly James , author of  The Book That (Almost) Got Me Fired ,  which will be released June 15, 2024, was recently interviewed by Douglas Page in San Diego Metro  in May 2024.  Check out the interview here (you can find it on page 9):  SDMETRO-NO-4-VOL-39-2024.pdf Book Description: You're 52. Divorced. Single mom to a teenaged son and a tween daughter. Happily self-employed but worried about the cost of health insurance, the inevitable impact of perimenopause on your body, and whether you should keep dating a sexy plumber who's sweet and funny but lives an hour away and doesn't seem that into you. So, after 22 years of fulltime freelancing, you take a day job as a tiny, creaky cog in the corporate American machine where you're decades older than most of your coworkers - and you write about it. The Book That (Almost) Got Me Fired: A Year in Corporate America is an entertaining, midlife memoir that shares what (and what not) to do when you make that corporate leap. For

Available on Pre-order: The Book That (Almost) Got Me Fired (James)

  We are getting ready to launch  The Book That (Almost) Got Me Fired  by Kelly James. Look for it around June 15, 2024. Description: You're 52. Divorced. Single mom to a teenaged son and a tween daughter. Happily self-employed but worried about the cost of health insurance, the inevitable impact of perimenopause on your body, and whether you should keep dating a sexy plumber who's sweet and funny but lives an hour away and doesn't seem that into you. So, after 22 years of fulltime freelancing, you take a day job as a tiny, creaky cog in the corporate American machine where you're decades older than most of your coworkers - and you write about it. The Book That (Almost) Got Me Fired: A Year in Corporate America is an entertaining, midlife memoir that shares what (and what not) to do when you make that corporate leap. For more posts about Kelly James and her book, click  HERE . PREORDERS ARE VERY IMPORTANT TO AUTHORS.  YOU CAN PRE-ORDER THROUGH ANY ONLINE BOOKSTORE OR TH