Daily Excerpt (in honor of National Homework Day): 10 Quick Homework Tips (Alder & Trombly) - Remember All Kids Are Different

In honor of National Homework Day, our daily excerpt today comes from 10 Quick Homework Tips (Alder & Trombly) - TIP # 5 REMEMBER ALL KIDS ARE DIFFERENT Why fit in when you were born to stand out. ~Dr. Seuss Why is this Important? As parents, we so often find ourselves comparing our kids to other kids, to their siblings, to ourselves at their age, and - of course- to the outcomes on their report cards. It is so important to remember, though, that all kids are different. Here are a few things to keep in mind. What You Can Do: For this tip, we just want to remind you, give you permission to go easy on your child. If he isn’t reading as soon as his older sister, or doesn’t have his multiplication facts memorized as quickly as his best friend, or even if he doesn’t have all the top marks on his report card, that’s OK. Again, balance is key. It is important for you to be able to recognize if a bad...