
Showing posts with the label Nazi

Beyond the Text of Good Blood (Schaffer) - Aunt Elli

  Over the past week, Irit Schaffer, author of Good Blood, Second Edition , has been sharing family photos to help readers get a feel for the people in the memoir. Here she shares a photograph of her Aunt Elli, who is featured in the book, writing -  " Here is a photo of my Great Aunt Elli and myself in Kosice. She is 88 years old in the photo. Ice cream was a rare delicacy for her. She was the one who shared with me that the greatest gift of life is the gift of love. She shared how the Nazis knew nothing about love and what is important in life, and it was why she was able to forgive the Nazis. She was the closest person to an angel that I knew. She was filled with so much light and love. " Book description: When she was a child, her father said he had "good blood" and that is why he and his wife survived and healed from the Holocaust. The author searched for the meaning and significance of her father's words over two continents and through four generations. He