
Showing posts with the label Old and On Hold

The Story behind the Book: Old and On Hold (Cooper)

  Today's back story is about the book,  Old and On Hold  by Bertha Cooper . From the publisher The story behind this book and 14 others like it share one important thing in common: they came out during the pandemic. Not only did they come out at that time, but they were planned as a set of books (by various MSI Press authors with special expertise related to various aspects of the pandemic). Bertha, who had earned the recognition as "best new voice in health and fitness" with her book, Women, We're Only Old Once , knew a lot about aging, and older folks were particularly hard hit by COVID at that time.  Many of the insights in the book are true even now. After all, many retirees get caught holding in place for many reasons, not just the pandemic. Some useful thoughts and insights shared in this book are true at any time. Book available at 25% discount with code FF25 at Read more about Bertha and her books HERE . Sign up for the MSI Press LLC newsl...

Daily Excerpt: Old and On Hold (Cooper) - Making Up for Missing Religious and Recreational Gatherings

  The following excerpt comes from Old and On Hold (Cooper) -- (editor's note: while this book -- and a dozen others - - were written for the days of the pandemic, to help with various unique circumstances we all experienced at that time. some of the advice in it is good in general for circumstances that occur as the aging process kicks in, so we have maintained the book for sale at the MSI Press webstore ) Making Up for Missing Religious and Recreational Gatherings We had interests before the pandemic and still have the same interests now except we may not be able to participate in our callings and interests. If we are active in a religion and regularly attend gatherings, we likely experience spiritual solace and a sense of belonging with others. Our plan will include staying in contact with our religious community leaders to help maintain connection, especially around providing explanations and understandings of this world crisis. How many of us are devoted followers of sport...

Daily Excerpt: Old and On Hold (Cooper) - Eating through a Pandemic

  Excerpt from Old and On Hold   Eating through a Pandemic The food supply chain has been turned upside down, creating unusual problems wherein some farmers are tossing milk or burying vegetables while people are lined up at food banks without adequate supplies of food. As of this writing ,we are being told that meat processing has been affected by plant workers being struck with COVID-19. A threat of meat shortage can create food insecurity and the desire to hoard which, of course, requires a way to store larger quantities of food. People without means, including elderly on fixed incomes living in small spaces, can’t hoard. We can expect that grocers will put some limits on the amount bought just as stores did with toilet paper and paper towels. I thank my grocer every time I go in for the effort to provide and, in some cases, “police” our good intentions for the good of all. Stress and boredom are triggers for overindulging. Sugary and salty foods offer temporary satisfactio...

San Juan Books Presents Its Special Authors: Meet Bertha Cooper

  San Juan Books is the hybrid division of MSI Press LLC. It allows first-time writers to become published in a traditional way through the reduction of risk by sharing publication costs. All other publishing features are traditional in nature, and most SJB authors go on to be offered traditional contracts for their subsequent books. SJB publications are available as paperback, hard cover, and e-book versions. SJB authors' books very much hold their own against their contemporaries in the traditional publishing division. Indeed, a number of them have outsold their traditional compatriots. Today, San Juan Books presents author Bertha Cooper.  Bertha earned a BSN degree in nursing (University of Washington) and entered the profession the same year as Medicare, a coincidence destined to define her career in non-traditional ways. She began her career in public health and moved into a management position early in her career - the beginning of a long career in management and adminis...

Author in the News: Bertha Cooper (Women, We're Only Old Once) Speaks to Norwester Rotary (Youtube)

  Bertha Cooper is a speaker par excellence. She has spoken to many groups and continues to speak to them. Her most recent presentations have been about each of her books, sponsored by the Soroptimist International of Sequim this past month:    One of our favorite presentations by Bertha here at MSI Press was recorded on Youtube by Norwester Rotary. will get really good advice (along with information and insights that you might first encounter here). HERE is the link. For more posts about Bertha and her books, click HERE . For more books on aging, click HERE .

Book Review by Readers' Favorite of Women, We're Only Old Once (Cooper)

  I have a one-word description after reading Women, We’re Only Old Once! by Bertha D. Cooper…Wowza! Recently, Readers' favorite posted three reviews of Women, We're Only Old Once. All were 5 stars. Here is a peek: by Tammy Ruggles ...  This isn't a book to make you feel down, it's actually very uplifting and validating. Besides the positive side, Cooper also delves into the harder parts of getting older--rites of passage we all go through if we're fortunate enough to live that long, like losing loved ones, how to deal with changes in body and mind, and illness, as well as what to do about the practical things in life, like preparations, paperwork, and important decisions. Women can be a tremendous support system for one another. Women, We're Only Old Once by Bertha D. Cooper should be your go-to resource for yourself or a friend if you want to make the most out of aging and make peace with it. by Edith Wairimu Women, We're Only Old Once by Bertha D Cooper e...

New on Kindle: Old and On Hold: Aging in Place during a Pandemic (Cooper)

  Old and On Hold was recently released on kindle. Get your copy HERE . Written for active vulnerable elders by a vulnerable elder, this book provides unique perspective on the meaning, adjustment, and management of "stay at home." Others made vulnerable by a pandemic will find support, practical guides and relevance in managing life disrupted by an invisible threat and a nation struggling to save itself. For more posts about Bertha and her work, click HERE .

Excerpt from Old and On Hold (Cooper): Finding Opportunity during the Pandemic

FINDING OPPORTUNITY DURING THE PANDEMIC Making the Possible Possible We are older. We are vulnerable. We are taking our place as spectators of those younger and on the front lines of taking care of the ill and providing essential services. We are less able to see those who are working from home unless they appear in one of those boxes on the grid of people commenting on today’s news. We are missing being with some of our favorite people and doing some of our favorite things, but, for the moment, we’ve right sized our life during a pandemic to meet the needs of our unique selves and those for whom we care. No doubt we’ve had moments of what’s being called “quarantine fatigue.” A friendly grocery clerk likened it to the movie, Ground Hog Day , in which the same story repeats daily. Sometimes, we feel great progress is being made, and sometimes, we think it will never change. Depending upon the extent we’ve been directly exposed to the tragedy of COVID-19, we may be wonde...

Introducing Bertha Cooper, MSI Press Author

Bertha D. Cooper’s 50-year career as a professional advocate for quality of life and health care of the elderly brings her advocacy and support to her contemporaries. Her book Old and On Hold came out in June. Her next book, Women, We're Only Old Once, will be out soon. Watch for it Read more posts by and about Bertha and her works HERE . 

Book Alert: Old and On Hold (Bertha D. Cooper)

Released today --  Old and On Hold: Aging in Place during a Pandemic . Written for active vulnerable elders by a vulnerable elder, this book provides unique perspective on the meaning, adjustment, and management of “stay at home.”  Others made vulnerable by a pandemic will find support, practical guides and relevance in managing life disrupted by an invisible threat and a nation struggling to save itself. This is the fifth book in the pandemic series. To see other books in the series, click HERE .