From the Blog Posts of MSI Press Authors: Larry MacDonald Gives Tips to RVers - #1 TV Antenna

Larry MacDonald, author of RV Oopsies , Travels with Elly , and a pandenic-era book, Diary of an RVer during Quarantine , routinely provides to tips to RVers on his website, Land Yachting . The first one is cited here; others will be shared later. Helpful Tips for RVers 1. TV Antenna up or down? Many an RV’er has been dreadfully reminded, often by a low tree branch or overpass, that they forgot to lower their rooftop TV antenna. And who hasn’t looked up during a walk around to ensure that their antenna is down? I thought of this tip while lying in bed one morning, wondering whether mine was up or down. To insure that it was “down,” I simply cranked the antenna handle until it was down completely and marked the ceiling at the end of the handle, using a stick-on label colored green for “Go.” Get it? On your mark … Go! When cranking up the antenna, I make sure that the end of the handle is on the opposite side of the mark. Now I just have to remember to check the position of my hand...