
Showing posts with the label Reflection

Weekly Soul. Week 6 - The Experience of Aliveness

Today's meditation from  Weekly Soul: Fifty-two Meditations on Meaningful, Joyful, and Peaceful Living   by Dr. Frederic Craigie. -6-   Although the spiritual dimension is always present, people are not aware of it. If we think of this in terms of images, we can say we have a vintage wine cellar, but we rarely drink from it. We have an interior castle, and we seldom visit it. There is a treasure buried in our field, and we do not know how to unearth it… The distinction between the presence of the spiritual and the awareness of the spiritual is foundational in spiritual teaching and sets in motion the spiritual project. We are asleep, and we need to awake; we are blind, and we need to see; we are deaf, and we need to hear; we are lost, and we need to be found; we are dead and we need to come back to life. All these images point to the spiritual venture of becoming aware of what is there.   Jack Shea   You are alive as you are aware of what is there. ...

Weekly Soul. Week 3 - Love

Today's meditation from  Weekly Soul: Fifty-two Meditations on Meaningful, Joyful, and Peaceful Living   by Dr. Frederic Craigie. -3-   The further I wake into this life, the more I realize that Love is everywhere and the extraordinary is waiting quietly beneath the skin of all that is ordinary. Light is in both the broken bottle and the diamond, and music is in both the flowing violin and the water dripping from the drainage pipe. Yes, Love is under the porch as well as on the top of the mountain, and joy is both in the front row and in the bleachers, if we are willing to be where we are.   Mark Nepo   It’s always a delight to see family greetings in airports. When I travel, or when I’m waiting for arriving visitors, I pause to watch the little celebrations. Couples come back together. Little children run to grandparents, who toss them into the air. Families hold banners; “Welcome home, Trevor and Kate!” We can certainly appreciate miracles—objects of wonder—in...

Weekly Soul, Week 2 - Pausing

Today's meditation from  Weekly Soul: Fifty-two Meditations on Meaningful, Joyful, and Peaceful Living   by Dr. Frederic Craigie. -2-   Miracles… seem to me to rest not so much upon faces or voices or healing power coming suddenly near to us from afar off but upon our own perception being made finer, so that for a moment our eyes can see and our ears can hear what is there about us always.   Willa Cather   To behold the wondrous miracles of everyday life you have to see. Consider the miracle of moveable wall sections. For tens of thousands of years of human history, people created dwelling structures with portals for coming and going. They covered these portals with weavings or bear hides, which gave them some visual privacy and cut down the wind and cold, but were not particularly helpful in securing their homes against intruding animals or marauding neighbors. Then, somewhere, someone invented the hinge. With the hinge, everything changed. People could now mak...