Daily Excerpt: Saints I Know (Sula) - St. Francis
The following excerpt comes from Saints I Know by Sula, Parish Cat at Old Mission. Appropriate for Caturday -- the book is "written" by a cat. Appropriate for this season -- Frasncistide is right around the corner. St. Francis of Assisi 1181-1226 Writing about St. Francis’s life is more a matter of deciding what to leave out rather than what to include. St. Francis did so much in his lifetime and became so meaningful to so many people that it is hard to fit him and his larger-than-life experiences onto just a page in a saints’ book. So, I will try to choose carefully. Though he became a favorite saint for many people, including the current pope who took his name, he did not start out as someone likely to become a saint. Like Deacon Van said in the prologue, perfection is not required for sainthood. Many imperfect people became saints. St. Francis exhibited a range of imperfections. Born into a wealthy family in Assisi, St. Francis grew up in an area of Italy that was at w...