
Showing posts with the label Steven Greenebaum

Publisher's Pride: Books on Bestseller Lists - One Family Indivisible (Greenebaum)

  Today's Publisher's Pride is  One Family Indivisible  by Steven Greenebaum, which reached #350 among Amazon top sellers in Unitarian Universalism. Book Description: Throughout history we have divided ourselves into groupings of "us" and "them".  One Family: Indivisible  engagingly  invites the reader into the deeply spiritual and lifelong journey of the author to find a way to acknowledge our differences without dividing and subdividing ourselves into competing tribes. It is a journey of mountain tops and deep valleys, but it leads to the inclusivity and mutual respect possible with Interfaith. This is a book for seekers of all races, ethnicities, and spiritual paths who search for that elusive goal of a community of love and inclusion that also respects our diversity. AWARDS Eric Hoffer Award Category Finalist, American Book Fest Best Books Award Finalist (religion) Keywords: interfaith, spiritual journey, common humanity, religious diversity, unity in d...

Publisher's Pride: Books on Bestseller Lists - An Afternoon's Dictation (Greenebaum)

  Recently,  An Afternoon's Dictation  (Greenebaum), reached #337 on the Amazon bestseller list of books on Ecumenism Christian Theology and #387 in Christian ecumenism; the book has been on bestseller lists many times.  Book Description:  In 1999 Steven Greenebaum felt he'd hit the wall. Fifty years old, he could not make sense of his life or the world around him. For several months he angrily demanded answers from God, if God were there. One afternoon, an inner voice told him to get a pen and paper and write. Steven then took dictation - three pages, not of commandments but guidance for leading a meaningful life.   An Afternoon's Dictation  grapples with, organizes, and deeply explores the revelations Steven received and then studied for over ten years. His sharing is NOT offered as the only possible way to understand it the dictation. It is offered, rather, as a start. The book's sections include deep explorations into "The Call to Interfaith," "The...

Publisher's Pride: Books on Bestseller Lists - One Family: Indivisible (Greenebaum)

   Today's Publisher's Pride is  One Family Indivisible  by Steven Greenebaum, which reached #350 among Amazon top sellers in Unitarian Universalism. Book Description: Throughout history we have divided ourselves into groupings of "us" and "them".  One Family: Indivisible  engagingly  invites the reader into the deeply spiritual and lifelong journey of the author to find a way to acknowledge our differences without dividing and subdividing ourselves into competing tribes. It is a journey of mountain tops and deep valleys, but it leads to the inclusivity and mutual respect possible with Interfaith. This is a book for seekers of all races, ethnicities, and spiritual paths who search for that elusive goal of a community of love and inclusion that also respects our diversity. AWARDS Eric Hoffer Award Category Finalist, American Book Fest Best Books Award Finalist (religion) Keywords: interfaith, spiritual journey, common humanity, religious diversity, unit...

From the Blog Posts of MSI Press Authors: The Cost of Sociopathic Greed by Steven Greenebaum

  Recently, MSI Press author posted an insightful article about the state of US life at this moment in time and what it portends for the future, based on world faith traditions (and plain commonsense). He writes:  " I believe a massive contribution to the unravelling of the United States of America is the rise sociopathic greed."  You can read the rest of the article  HERE . It is a short but deep read and worth the time and thought investment.  For more posts Steven and his award-winning books, click  HERE . An Afternoon's Dictation One Family: Indivisible Seeking Balance in an Unbalanced Time Sign up for the MSI Press LLC monthly newsletter (recent releases, sales/discounts, awards, reviews, Amazon top 100 list, author advice, and more -- stay up to date)   Follow MSI Press on  Twitter ,  Face Book , and  Instagram .   Interested in publishing with MSI Press LLC?  We help writers become award-winning published authors. One wr...