
Showing posts with the label Tony Overbay

Daily Excerpt: He's a Porn Addict....Now What? (Overbay & Shea) - How much to disclose?

    This excerpt comes from  He's a Porn Addict...Now What?  (Overbay and Shea) Some people say I don't want him to disclose everything to me.  Are they correct?   Tony, the mental health professional: “I want to know everything you did” is one of those statements I hear regularly in my therapy sessions with couples. There is a modality of therapy where the husband and wife start putting out their truths. It's viewed as an emotional bid to be vulnerable. The idea is that they are sharing their heart with their partner, but it's done knowing that the other person loves and cares about them and wants to know their truth. So, there’s disclosure from the spouse and all of a sudden we're in this world known as betrayal trauma, where the wife is going back and trying to put everything together. This is the point at which I hear phrases like: “My whole marriage has been a sham,” or, “I can't trust anything he says or does now.” For the wife, it often becomes, “I w...

Publisher's Pride: Books on Bestseller Lists - He's a Porn Addict...Now What? (Overbay and Shea)

  Today's Publisher's Pride is  He's a Porn Addict...Now What?  by Tony Overbay and Joshua Shea , which reached  #82 in sexual addiction & recovery on Amazon. Book description: Admitting you're a drug addict or alcoholic can be difficult, but when it comes to pornography addiction, the pain of betrayal can hit the addict's partner worse than the addict himself. Difficult questions come rushing: Does he look at this stuff because I'm not enough? Was he like this when I first met him? Is this God trying to test me? What kind of help is available for him? Am I just supposed to stay here and deal with this? With  He's a Porn Addict...Now What?: An Expert and a Former Addict Answer Your Questions , you'll get pertinent answers from both sides of the equation: from a therapist and from a former pornography addict. Review/comment This is the most helpful book for porn addicts and the people who (still) love them. One of most courageous and timely books to h...

Publisher's Pride: Books on Bestseller Lists - He's a Porn Addict...Now What? (Overbay and Shea)

  Today's Publisher's Pride is  He's a Porn Addict...Now What?  by Tony Overbay and Joshua Shea , which reached  #174 in sexual addiction & recovery on Amazon. Book description: Admitting you're a drug addict or alcoholic can be difficult, but when it comes to pornography addiction, the pain of betrayal can hit the addict's partner worse than the addict himself. Difficult questions come rushing: Does he look at this stuff because I'm not enough? Was he like this when I first met him? Is this God trying to test me? What kind of help is available for him? Am I just supposed to stay here and deal with this? With  He's a Porn Addict...Now What?: An Expert and a Former Addict Answer Your Questions , you'll get pertinent answers from both sides of the equation: from a therapist and from a former pornography addict. Review/comment This is the most helpful book for porn addicts and the people who (still) love them. One of most courageous and timely books to ...