Great Review of A Theology for the Rest of Us (Yavelberg) in US Insider
" Arthur Yavelberg’s book, A Theology for the Rest of Us , surprises us with its clarity and offers a personalized guide for readers on their own spiritual journey of discovery," writes Shane Anderson in the US Insider and concludes: " Yavelberg compares the findings and foundations that Western and Eastern traditions have arrived at and allows his readers to divest their own belief systems and ideologies into the narrative. This rare and open acceptance of our own subjective experience is like a balm against cynicism and despair and allows readers to immerse themselves in the narration." Read the entire review HERE . Read more posts about Yavelberg and his book HERE . BEST INDIE BOOK AWARD LITERARY TITAN BOOK AWARD: SILVER MEDAL Sign up for the MSI Press LLC newsletter Follow MSI Press on Twitter , Face Book , and Instagram . Interested in publishing with MSI Press LLC? Check out information on how to submit a proposal . Interested in receiving a ...