
Showing posts with the label advanced stages of cancer

Cancer Diary: A Thought on How to React to a Terminal Diagnosis

  Found this interesting and in need of no further comment -- From Quora: posted by Amoretta Kitsa If cancer is advanced, I see no reason to do chemotherapy. Why would I drag out the inevitable? I'm not afraid to die. Here’s something my neurosurgeon told my terrified parents 45 years ago when they were trying to come to terms with their daughter’s terminal diagnosis and discuss possible treatment plans. ”You don’t want to play by today’s medical rules. You want to play by the rules five years from today.” My doctors didn’t aim for infinite longevity, just enough to buy a little more time for medical advancements to catch up and redefine the rules. And once I was there, they were able to move the goalposts again. For other Cancer Diary posts, click  HERE . Blog editor's note: As a memorial to Carl, and simply because it is truly needed, MSI Press is now hosting a web page,  Carl's Cancer Compendium , as a one-stop starting point for all things cancer, to make it easier for