Cancer Diary: Spiritual Aspects of Dying - Anointing of the Sick (Last Rites)

Whether you call it Anointing of the sick, Sacrament of Extreme Unction, or Last Rites, the ceremony of a priest spending time at the end of a dying (from cancer or anything else) parishioner's life can bring peace to family and friends. I am pretty certain that Carl held on until that happened. He was mostly in some other world, not comatose but not present to those around him either, during his last couple of days. He had all the signs of being in the last hours (not days) of life but seemed to hold on. He knew our priest would come on Sunday morning. On Sunday morning, I alerted the priest to the near-comatose state of Carl. He responded, "We will take him as he is." However, the minute he spoke Carl's name, Carl's eyes flew open, and he smiled, responding with cheer and apparent happiness, "Oh, hi!" Carl surprisingly followed the rite although it was clearly difficult for him at times to fight to stay in the present. However, that is clearly where ...