
Showing posts with the label blogosphere

A Publisher's Conversation with Authors: Surfing the Blogosphere

    It is Tuesday. Time to tall turkey. Monday's madness is over, and Wednesday will take us over the hump, so Tuesday it is--for some serious discussion with authors. Tuesday talks mean to address authors in waiting and self-published authors who would like to go a more traditional route or who would at least like to take their steps with a publisher by their side. Today's topic is about a creative when to gain some oomph for your book from blogging if you do not have a blog. Blogging does indeed have certain advantages for book promotion, but not all authors are inclined toward blogging or have the time to do so. Still, the blogosphere can be kind to them. First, let's look at what blogging offers: It gets your head above the waves of millions of books out there and thousands more published daily. For non-fiction books on popular topics and especially for memoirs, this is pretty important. If you are consistent -- you must be consistent -- and your blog catches on, you co