Daily Excerpt: Learning to Feel (Girrell) - I Think, I Feel

excerpt from Learning to Feel (Kris Girrell) -- 1 I Think I Feel “I still don’t think you’ve done the deep work on yourself,” Sarah told me. “What do you mean? I have gone to therapy and done tons of work to discover the source of it,” I defended. “But you haven’t uncovered the real issue, in my opinion,” she replied. “What were you feeling that caused you to do that?” Sarah has been my marriage partner and partner in life over the last thirty plus years and, at the same time, the thorn in my side who won’t permit me to ignore or step over issues. We were talking about a time in our marriage quite some time ago when I allowed myself to fall into a sexually flirtatious email exchange with an old flame. It was a painful time that was almost the undoing of our marriage. While I have journaled on it and gone to therapy on it, all in the effort to discover what in me would allow or cause such an action, her claim that there is stil...