
Showing posts with the label book launch events

Author in the News: Kelly James plans book launch events

Kelly James , author of  The Book That (Almost) Got Me Fired ,  which will be released June 15, 2024, has several book launch events planned. If you are in the local area, why not drop by? Here is the list of events:  The Book That (Almost) Got Me Fired — Kelly K. James . Book Description: You're 52. Divorced. Single mom to a teenaged son and a tween daughter. Happily self-employed but worried about the cost of health insurance, the inevitable impact of perimenopause on your body, and whether you should keep dating a sexy plumber who's sweet and funny but lives an hour away and doesn't seem that into you. So, after 22 years of fulltime freelancing, you take a day job as a tiny, creaky cog in the corporate American machine where you're decades older than most of your coworkers - and you write about it. The Book That (Almost) Got Me Fired: A Year in Corporate America is an entertaining, midlife memoir that shares what (and what not) to do when you make that corporate leap