
Showing posts with the label cancer

Cancer Diary: Open Letter to Cancer Patients

  An Open Letter to Cancer Patients: Partnering with Your Caregiver Dear Cancer Patient, Your cancer journey is one of the most challenging paths you'll ever walk. As you navigate this difficult terrain, your caregiver walks beside you, sharing your burden and helping to light the way. Today, I want to talk about how you can work together with your caregiver to create the best possible care environment for both of you. First and foremost, please remember that your caregiver, while dedicated to your wellbeing, is also human. They experience fatigue, stress, and emotional exhaustion. Your kindness and appreciation mean the world to them. A simple "thank you" or acknowledgment of their efforts can replenish their emotional reserves and help prevent burnout. This is especially crucial if your caregiver is your spouse, who needs adequate sleep and rest to maintain their own health and continue providing you with quality care. Communication is the foundation of any caregiving r...

Caturday: Death Watch

  Happy Cat in one of his dark places Happy Cat's days of valiantly fighting his brain tumor are drawing to an end. We are now on death watch for him as he valiantly trues to stave off death even though he knows it is hovering over him, calling. Happy Cat was one of those cats who never asked for anything, not even for a home. He was an alley cat, and he would wait until all the other street cats had finished their turn at the handouts from local residents, including us, before he would approach and finish up the remnants. We got to know Happy Cat from afar, seeing him every day hunkered down under the juniper bush, watching the other cats eat. (One of those cats was Snyezhka , his pal, whom we captured and adopted.) He would only come eat after they were done and he thought we were gone. Then, he became very ill. Something prompted him to trust us to help, and we found him spread-eagled outside our second-story entrance door one morning as we were departing for work. Cat lifted i...

Cancer Diary: What is dying from cancer like?

  A somber topic today indeed, but an important one. One that was so completely new to us when Carl was dying from cancer that not only did we not know what to expect, leaving us feeling lost and helpless, but also we had no idea even what questions to ask and where to search for answers, leaving us feeling depressed and fearful. I think that may not be completely uncommon. Here is a clinical description of dying from cancer: Dying from cancer is a process that involves  changes in body function and loss of control over bodily functions .  Some of the common signs that your body is preparing to die are  disorientation, incontinence, rattling breaths, extreme weakness, less interest in food, trouble swallowing, and muscle jerking . These signs are caused by the cancer spreading to different organs and systems, and the body shutting down. Frankly, these signs are pretty scary and disconcerting when you do not expect them and do not know how to interpret them -- let alo...

Book Jewel of the Month: Surviving Cancer, Healing People: One Cat's Story (Sula)

  What is a  book jewel ? A sometimes-overlooked book with remarkable insight and potential significance. Each month, we share near-daily, or as often as possible, reviews of the monthly book jewel - short, succinct reviews that can be read in 1-2 minutes with links to the reviewer by reviewers whose words are worthy of being heard and whose opinions are worthy of being considered. Sometimes a couple of minutes contains more impressive thought than ten times that many. We will let you decide that. This month's book jewel is  Surviving Cancer, Healing People: One Car's Story , an award-winning book beloved by many.  Description: A cat with a divine mission, Sula has an uncanny ability to sense which parishioners at Old Mission San Juan Bautista (California) need her attention at any given Mass. it really uncanny, or does St. Francis give Sula tasks during her daily conversations with him? Or is she led by God?Sula has developed a special bond with cancer surv...