
Showing posts with the label cat on leash

Caturday: Annoying Cat Behaviors

I came across this very interesting post recently:   The most common annoying cat behaviors, explained ( . Seemed like a good topic for a Caturday. For sure, these are the kinds of things we all wish cats would not do -- scratching furniture, peeing outside the litter box, and escaping to the outdoors, among others. Good explanation and advice in the article. A couple pieces of advice missing, though, that I have found helpful for those escape artists: (1) build a catio (it is an alternative outdoors and, for most of our cats, it suffices, and (2) leash the cat and go for a walk (our Murjan was simply impelled to the outside and so loved to go for a walk that he would sit in front of the drawer with his leash and demand "mwout" over and over until he got his leash and the door opened -- and then he was off exploring. He wanted "mwout" the day before he died -- and spent his leash time looking for dark places where he could lay down for his final rest. (No, w...