
Showing posts with the label catholicism

Recently released: Audiobook Edition of Saints I Know (Sula)

  Recently released: audiobook edition of  Saints I Know  by Sula, Parish Cat at Old Mission. Book description A description of the lives of 21 saints--in both their imperfection and perfection--chosen based on the relationship to a Franciscan Mission, Old iMission San Juan Bautista, told through the eyes of the Mission's cat. The sections of the book including saints related to the founding of the mission (St. Francis, St. John the Baptist, and St. Juniper Serra), the Holy parents (Mary and Joseph), saints whose statues are behind the altar in the Mission, patron saints of animals, patron saints of children, and the favorite saints of the parish priest. A final section addresses future saints.   For other posts about Sula and her books, click  HERE . For book reviews, interviews, and videos of this book, check out this book's title page at the MSI Press website: Saints I Know . To purchase copies of this book at 25% discount, use code FF25 at  MSI Press we...

Daily Excerpt: Anxiety Anonymous (Ortman) - Introduction, Part 2 (A Personal Note)

  Excerpt from  Anxiety Anonymous  by  Dr. Dennis Ortman  --  Introduction (continued from earlier post)  A Personal Note  Many strands of my life tie together in writing this book.  I have been working as a psychologist in private practice for over twenty years. Each day I sit and listen to my patients tell me stories of their suffering and their efforts to find happiness. Their stories are always unique, heart-breaking and heart-warming. Over the years, I observed how many of my patients suffer a variety of addictions, some acknowledged and others overlooked. Most come for relief from emotional and mental pain and hardly recognize the many ways they self-medicate with drugs and activities. I also noticed the increasing number of patients who complain of being in the grip of intolerable anxiety. Since 9/11 it seems fear has taken hold of our society and found residence in many of my patients. That fear possesses many like an addiction...

Book Jewel of the Month: Surviving Cancer, Healing People: One Cat's Story (Sula)

  What is a  book jewel ? A sometimes-overlooked book with remarkable insight and potential significance. Each month, we share near-daily, or as often as possible, reviews of the monthly book jewel - short, succinct reviews that can be read in 1-2 minutes with links to the reviewer by reviewers whose words are worthy of being heard and whose opinions are worthy of being considered. Sometimes a couple of minutes contains more impressive thought than ten times that many. We will let you decide that. This month's book jewel is  Surviving Cancer, Healing People: One Car's Story , an award-winning book beloved by many.  Description: A cat with a divine mission, Sula has an uncanny ability to sense which parishioners at Old Mission San Juan Bautista (California) need her attention at any given Mass. it really uncanny, or does St. Francis give Sula tasks during her daily conversations with him? Or is she led by God?Sula has developed a special bond with cancer surv...

Cancer Diary: Spiritual Aspects of Dying - Anointing of the Sick (Last Rites)

Whether you call it Anointing of the sick, Sacrament of Extreme Unction, or Last Rites, the ceremony of a priest spending time at the end of a dying (from cancer or anything else) parishioner's life can bring peace to family and friends. I am pretty certain that Carl held on until that happened. He was mostly in some other world, not comatose but not present to those around him either, during his last couple of days. He had all the signs of being in the last hours (not days) of life but seemed to hold on. He knew our priest would come on Sunday morning.  On Sunday morning, I alerted the priest to the near-comatose state of Carl. He responded, "We will take him as he is."  However, the minute he spoke Carl's name, Carl's eyes flew open, and he smiled, responding with cheer and apparent happiness, "Oh, hi!" Carl surprisingly followed the rite although it was clearly difficult for him at times to fight to stay in the present. However, that is clearly where ...

Excerpt from Christmas at the Mission (Sula, parish cat): About Me and This Book

  (photo by Stacy Gentry) About Me and This Book I love Christmas! Who doesn’t? Everyone I know loves Christmas, but then they are all people. I am a cat, but I enjoy celebrating Christmas with my people friends and with my Boss.  Christmas is a special time for my Boss. He is the One and Only, you know, the One who brought His plan to life that first Christmas—except no one knew then it was Christmas.  As for me, if you have read either of my other books (if not, please do), you know as much about me as it is possible to know. For those who have not read them yet, I can tell you my tale in a nutshell. It is pretty simple, partly because the beginning is rather cloudy, and I only know what the people at the Mission Gift Shop remember about me some 12 years ago. Yes, I am getting to be quite a big girl now with my own set of life experiences.  It seems that I was always in San Juan Bautista, a beautiful Mission town in the Mexican tradition. Lots of Spanish spoken her...