Weekly Soul. Week 8 - What Matters?

Today's meditation from Weekly Soul: Fifty-two Meditations on Meaningful, Joyful, and Peaceful Living by Dr. Frederic Craigie. -8- Irenaeus, the great early church father, said the glory of God is a human being fully alive. Now, if you back off from every little controversy in your life, you’re not alive, and what’s more, you’re boring. It’s a terrible thing that we settle for so much less… The greatest pleasure for me was being with black civil rights leaders and followers, because they were so alive. You can be more alive in pain than in complacency. These often very poor blacks in Alabama, Mississippi, and Georgia, were so wonderfully alive, so cheerful, so courageous. William Sloane Coffin You are alive as you extend yourself on behalf of something that matters. William Sloane Coffin was no stranger to controversy. He certainly could have led, in his words, a “polite” and “comfortable” life as a clergyman and college chaplain,...