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Daily Excerpt: Understanding the Entrepreneur (Quinelle) - The Entrepreneur at School

  Excerpt from  Understanding the Entrepreneur  by Quinelle - Chapter 7 The Entrepreneur at School The Entrepreneur at school is not all that different from the Entrepreneur at home. Where the Entrepreneur is the teacher, the relationship is not that dissimilar from that of a parent. Where the Entrepreneur is a student, the relationship is not all that different from that of being a child.* The Entrepreneur as Teacher The Entrepreneur can make a marvelous teacher for the Entrepreneur student if the teacher remembers that while they themselves are natural leaders, so are their Entrepreneur students. Therefore, they must rein in their innate tendencies to lead and provide opportunities for their Entrepreneur students to lead. Not the parlayer of rules and regulations by nature, like the Seeker teacher, the Entrepreneur teacher looks to find ways to help students understand the underlying systems behind phenomena, the reasons behind rules, and the supporting theories behind conceptual st