
Showing posts with the label executive functioning

From the Blog Posts of MSI Press Authors: Franki Bagdade talks about what to do when your executive functioning stops functioning

  So what happens when your executive functioning stops functioning? Franki Bagdade, author of  I Love My Kids, But I Don't Always Like Them , has some suggestions in her recent blog post: It was a typical Tuesday and I was balancing the needs of two businesses and three children. Juggling meeting with clients 1:1 for Therapy or ADHD coaching while using any gaps in my schedule to respond to emails, schedule social media, write blogs, and do laundry (cause there is always, always laundry to do.) This particular day I found a rare 90-minute gap between clients so I scheduled a very needed physical therapy appointment, as I was still recovering from a broken ankle. As I was going through my exercises my phone started buzzing. An email from a therapy client scrolled across my screen asking for the Zoom link for their session starting in ten minutes. Cue a racing heart and panic. I quickly looked at my calendar, a color-coded HIPPA-compliant modern marvel. There was no appointment for