Daily Excerpt: Girl, You Got This! (Renz): Food

Excerpt from Girl, You Got This! Food Dieting is talked about a lot in our culture. Every couple of months there is a new trendy diet: Atkins, Keto, the potato diet. The problem with most fad diets, though, is they are restrictive. There are too many hard rules. In order to change your eating habits long term, you need balance . Everyone has heard the phrase, “balanced diet.” In fact, it is such a common thing to hear that most people don’t really stop to think about what it means. It just goes in one ear and out the other. What makes a diet balanced? A balanced diet is a diet that includes variety. You eat multiple foods from multiple food groups in order to fuel your body with the most nutrients possible. The Standard American Diet (SAD) is full of “food” that isn’t really food. It is more like packaged food-science experiments. The results might taste great, but it is no longer natural. The best way to get the most out of what you put in you...