
Showing posts with the label foods and cancer

Cancer Diary: Rethinking Some Old Adages about Food and Cancer

When it comes to cancer and cancer research, there are always some surprises. The latest, which talks about TVA , was discussed in Newsweek recently:  Foods Contain Nutrient That Improves Immune Response to Cancer ( . For other Cancer Diary posts, click  HERE . Blog editor's note: As a memorial to Carl, and simply because it is truly needed, MSI Press is now hosting a web page,  Carl's Cancer Compendium , as a one-stop starting point for all things cancer, to make it easier for those with cancer to find answers to questions that can otherwise take hours to track down on the Internet and/or from professionals. The CCC is expanded and updated weekly. As part of this effort, each week, on Monday, this blog will carry an informative, cancer-related story -- and be open to guest posts:  Cancer Diary .   Sign up for the MSI Press LLC newsletter Follow MSI Press on  Twitter ,  Face Book , and  Instagram .   Interested in publishing with MSI Press LLC? Check out information on

Cancer Diary: Food, Acidity, Cancer, and Confusion

  Sometimes it is hard to get an answer from an oncologist in ay you need to understand it. They give you the full onion, but what you need is help in peeling the pieces .  What I have been trying to get my head around is the concept of acidity and cancer. My friend, Julie, a nurse-researcher who is quite respected, claims to have cured her husband of cancer by ensuring that his body provided cancer with an acid-free environment where it could not grow. So, what about that is true? Her husband did have stage 3 cancer (stomach).  Her husband is now cancer free and has been so for a few years. Her husband is not young -- in his 60s when cancer struck and in his 70s now (not sure that means anything) She did ensure a non-acidic diet for him. The question remains, though, is whether that diet cured the cancer (or put it into remission) or had any effect on it, i.e. did something else natter instead? This site agrees with Julie. It claims that "acidic pH leaders to cancer and normal p