
Showing posts with the label happiness

Book Jewel of the Month: Road Map to Power (Husain)

  What is a book jewel? A sometimes-overlooked book with remarkable insight and potential significance. Each month, we share near-daily, or as often as possible, reviews of the monthly book jewel - short, succinct reviews that can be read in 1-2 minutes with links to the reviewer by reviewers whose words are worthy of being heard and whose opinions are worthy of being considered. Sometimes a couple of minutes contains more impressive thought than ten times that many. We will let you decide that. This month's book jewel is  Road Map to Power  by Syed and Darius Husain . Description What is the true source of authentic power? Offering a detour from the dead end of this "buy more, be more" culture, the authors demonstrate why the traditional routes to power are accessible only for an elite few. Wrapping warm, profound stories of empowerment around an extensive body of research, Road Map to Power is your guide to a life of dignity, satisfaction, and happiness. keywords: authe...

Recently Released: Audiobook Edition of A Guide to Bliss (Tubali)

  Recently released: the audiobook edition of the popular book, A Guide to Bliss by Shai Tubali. Book description: This practical guide and the method presented in it are based on a very simple principle: all our negative emotional and mental states are the result of our currently limited and contracted mind; when we expand our mind, these states dissolve. A Guide to Bliss is a rich introduction to the 'Expansion Method' that has already gained popularity in German-speaking countries and Israel. The book leads the reader carefully through the practice, illuminating the way by the direct experience of practitioners of the method and the extensive philosophy behind it. Whether determining your next step in business, clearing away some sad memory, or just improving general well-being, all you need is to systematically tap into the tremendous potential of your own mind, as shown in this guide. BOOK AWARD LITERARY TITAN GOLD AWARD Paperback copies of this book can be purchased at ...

Daily Excerpt: Widow: How to Survive (and Thrive!) in Your 2nd, 3rd, and 4th Years (Romer) - Carving out a place for yourself

  Today's book excerpt comes from Widow: How to Survive (and Thrive!) in Your 2nd, 3rd, and 4th Years  by Joanna Romer. Year Two Carving Out a Place for Yourself Nothing in my previous experience prepared me for being a widow, not my 40 years of job experience, ranging from Cosmopolitan Magazine to St. John’s University; not my 25 years of marriage to my beloved husband, Jack; not even my five years of worrying about Jack as he slowly become fatally ill. The widow experience is, as I’m sure you’ll agree, unprecedented. We can’t sugarcoat being a widow. After a year of widowhood, you’ve probably figured that out. It’s hard, it’s a struggle, it’s not something that goes away like the flu. And, unless you get married again, you’re going to be a widow from now on. Yet, believe it or not, you can get used to it. I feel pretty good about my widow status now, although it’s taken me awhile the reach that plateau---4 ½ years. The first year was a killer, wasn’t it? The depression...

Guest Post from Dr. Dennis Ortman: Full Life

  Dennis Ortman, author of several award-winning books, offers the following reflection for MSI Press blog readers -  FULL LIFE “I came that they might have life and have it to the full.” --John 10: 10   We have two natural desires: to live forever and to be happy. Modern medical science promises the first, but cannot guarantee the second. However, a recent bestselling book suggests that we can have both, now. Hector Garcia and Francesc Miralles wrote  Ikigai: The Japanese Secret to a Long and Happy Life  (New York: Penguin Books, 2016) in which they described the natural steps to a long, fulfilled life. They journeyed to Ogimi, Japan, where a large portion of the population lives into their hundreds. They interviewed dozens of the elderly residents to discover their secret. What they learned was a natural way to live longer with joy. Here are some of their recommendations: ·           Live an active life doing what y...