Cancer Diary: A link between menopause timing and cancer?
Good golly, there is always something! Cancer seems to be connected with more and more things. Here, research has found a link between earlier onset of menopause and cancer, reported in a large-scale analysis, "Genetic links between ovarian aging, cancer risk, and de novo mutation rates." Information can be found here: Genes with strong impact on menopause timing also link to cancer risk ( . For other Cancer Diary posts, click HERE . Blog editor's note: As a memorial to Carl, and simply because it is truly needed, MSI Press is now hosting a web page, Carl's Cancer Compendium , as a one-stop starting point for all things cancer, to make it easier for those with cancer to find answers to questions that can otherwise take hours to track down on the Internet and/or from professionals. The CCC is expanded and updated weekly. As part of this effort, each week, on Monday, this blog will carry an informative, cancer-related story -- and be open to guest posts: Ca...