Tuesday's Tip for Language Learning #29: Personality Types
Excerpt from Think Yourself into Becoming a Language Learning Super Star Personality Types Every person has a personality unlike any one else. However, there are some commonalities. Jung (1921/2016) identified four continua that he called personality types. [1] These are (1) extroversion-introversion, (2) intuiting-sensing, (3) thinking-feeling, and (4) rational-irrational. [2] One can also be situationally one and the other, i.e. neither one end of the continuum or the other. [3] Extroversion________________Introversion Sensing ____________________Intuiting Thinking ___________________Feeling Rational (Judging) ___________________ Irrational (Perceiving) [4] Extroverts and introverts Jung does not use these terms in the way that the lay reader might expect. These terms do not mean gregarious or ...