
Showing posts with the label pet loss

Caturday: Grief Support for Pet Loss

Murjan, four days before he died - at the vet's for some not-forthcoming hopeful news - with his worried pal, CB Losing a pet can be devastating, no matter how they cross the rainbow bridge. Even if you have lost a pet before, the grief can be paralyzing with the current pet. They can create deep bonds. Here is a grief expert's reaction to the experience with her own cat:  Losing My Cat Almost Destroyed Me, A Grief Expert Explained Why It Hit Me So Hard . In recent years, local foundations, such as the Birchbark Foundation on the central coast of California, have offered grief counseling for pet owners. For pet owners who do not live in an area where local grief support is available, there is a list of online services: Association for Pet Loss and Bereavement (APLB) : They offer free online chat rooms hosted by professional, experienced, and caring chat hosts.  They also provide webinars and other resources for grieving pet parents . Best Friends Animal Society : They provide

Birchbark Foundation

  Our beloved cat, Murjan, died three months ago tomorrow.  We still miss him! The emergency room vet who received him in his last few minutes of life kindly made a contribution to the  Birchbark Foundation  in his name. That was comforting -- as is the grief counseling that the BBF conducts.  Click on the link to learn more about the BBF and its great work.