
Showing posts with the label publishing

A Publisher's Conversation with Authors: Announcing an Author Discussion Session on Scams, Phishing, and Other Illegitimate Offers

  It is Tuesday. Monday's madness is over, and Wednesday will take us over the hump, so Tuesday it is--for some serious discussion with authors. Tuesday talks mean to address authors in waiting and self-published authors who would like to go a more traditional route or who would at least like to take their steps with a publisher by their side.  This week, we note that many of MSI Press authors receive letters, once their book is published, from all sorts of companies, offering a wide variety of deals: books reviews, book trailers, radio/TV interviews, magazine articles, help with marketing, re-publishing (yes, they do have the temerity to suggest this for a newly published book), and more. Some look fishy; many look good. How do you tell what is a scam? What is phishing? What is a legitimate offer? As At MSI Press, we have knowledge of many of the scams. We run down the legitimacy of offers that our authors forward to us. Authors can do themselves what we do for them, but they...

San Juan Books - A Special Home for First-Time Authors

  Turned away by other publishers because you are a first-time author and/or do not have a strong platform yet? If you have a strong manuscript, San Juan Books, our unique and creative hybrid division, may be able to help. See our contact page for information on publishing options and guide to making a book proposal.  Write to us at Read more posts on hybrid publication . Sign up for the MSI Press LLC monthly newsletter (recent releases, sales/discounts, awards, reviews, Amazon top 100 list, author advice, and more -- stay up to date) Follow MSI Press on  Twitter ,  Face Book , and  Instagram .   Interested in publishing with MSI Press LLC? Check out information on  how to submit a proposal . Planning on self-publishing and don't know where to start? Our  author au pair  services will mentor you through the process. Interested in receiving a free copy of any MSI Press LLC book  in exchange for  reviewing  a ...

A Publisher's Conversation with Authors: Recently Released: Audiobook Version of Publishing for Smarties

  In lieu of our regular column, we want to bring your attention to the many questions from the column that are answered in this book: Recently released - the audiobook for Publishing for Smarties by B L Ham . Having trouble getting your book published? Or are you a new author, wondering how to avoid the long wait through dozens of submissions find an author? This books is for you!  Written from the perspective of an acquisitions editor for a publishing house who has also served as a reader and adviser for acquisitions editors at presses ranging from small to large to the leading presses in her field, the author helps new writers navigate the confusing myriad choices in finding a publisher.  Typical missteps of new authors are presented, along with criteria for making decisions on choosing a publisher - and advice on how to approach the publisher. Of potentially great assistance, the author, an acquisitions editor, shares real-life stories of manuscripts she turned down ...

Today's Fortune Cookie: Wising up first wins the best contract

  Today's fortune cookie is associated with Publishing for Smarties: Finding a Publisher (Ham) .   Read more about B L Ham and this book HERE . Get a copy at  MSI Press webstore . Sign up for the MSI Press LLC newsletter Follow MSI Press on  Twitter ,  Face Book , and  Instagram .   Interested in publishing with MSI Press LLC? Check out information on  how to submit a proposal . Interested in receiving a free copy of this or any MSI Press LLC book  in exchange for  reviewing  a current or forthcoming MSI Press LLC book? Contact Want an  author-signed copy  of this book? Purchase the book at 25% discount (use coupon code FF25) and concurrently send a written request to  Want to communicate with one of our authors? You can! Find their contact information on our  Authors' Pages .    

A Publisher's Conversation with Authors: Do you really want an answer to your query?

  It is Tuesday AND SOLSTICE. Time to tall turkey. Monday's madness is over, and Wednesday will take us over the hump, so Tuesday it is--for some serious discussion with authors. Tuesday talks mean to address authors in waiting and self-published authors who would like to go a more traditional route or who would at least like to take their steps with a publisher by their side. Today's topic came to mind as I threw away an author's submission--threw it away without a word, with no intention of responding, not even of letting the author know I had seen it. Why? Because he did not give me a no-cost way to respond to him. Publishers will not pay out of pocket to tell an author that a work is not suitable, and in that case, money put into preparing and mailing samples is money out the window, definitely not money in anyone's pocket. This particular sent only mailing address information and an envelope which would require me to purchase a stamp. Oh, there was a telephone numb...

Savvy Author Academy: Authoring 101 Accepting Enrollments Now for September

Ever wish you could have someone guide you personally through the jungle of moving from idea to manuscript to published book? Now you can! Starting September 2, MSI Press is offering a 10-week highly personalized interactive online course, Authoring 101. Only 10 spots available. Sign up now to ensure yourself a spot.Click HERE to enroll. TOPICS Week 1. Shaping a though, idea, or experience into a viable book concept Discusson hour: evalaution of ideas (existence of niche, narrow enough focus) Week 2. Everything is story – what is your story/message Discussion hour; sharing stories Week 3. Starting your book –  outline, “research,” and theme Discussion hour: “research” is needed (even for memoirs), is your outline manageable, is your them classic enough to sell & does it reflect your “message” Week 4: Table of Contents – organizing your research or experience into “story” Discussion hour: sharing of TOCs, do they reflect the theme,...

TLC Workshop: Getting Your Book Published: Lowering Costs and Avoiding Costly Mistakes.

Today we are geting ready for a Saturday morning workshop at The Literary Center in San Juan Bautista, CA: Getting Your Book Published: Loweing the Cost and Avoiding Costly Mistakes. Many authors who decide to self-publish invest far more money than necessary for far few services than possible. This workshop aims to help buyers beware and authors to get their books what their books deserve. TLC workshop slides are available for $5 at the MSI webstore -- and they come with the opportunity to ask virtual questions.

Top Book Publishers in California

We were delighted to discover recently that MSI Press, quite unbeknownst to us, has been included in a list of the top 19 book publishers in California. We are listed as #5 -- truly a cool experience when you stumble across the listing on the Internet. After all, who does not like positive surprises? Anyway, see for yourself. Click here for the whole list. And if you are looking for a publisher and don't quite know how to go about it, we do have some resources, like: B L Ham's book, Publishing for Smarties: How to Find a Publisher, with insider information from an acquisitions editor and highly rated by MidWest Book Review Critique: Exceptionally practical, 'real world' insightful, packed from cover to cover with specific tips, tricks and techniques, "Publishing for Smarties: Finding a Publisher" should be considered a 'must read' for anyone seeking to have their work, fiction or non-fiction, successfully published on terms as advanta...

How My Dream Came True, But Then I Lost My Mind: The Psychodynamics of Being a New Author

For struggling writers (struggling to write, struggling to get published, struggling to sell books), this article, published last year after Joanna Charnas's second book came out is a gem. (link:…