Good Blood - explaining the two-tier release
Good Blood is now really, truly, fully released, with images and all at online sellers. It was planned for release on May 7. It was released by the publisher on May 7, but due to some communication issues between Amazon and the wholesaler, copies were not available until just now. But we will celebrate, anyway. Two releases! We can handle that! Can you? It's a great book -- the awards for the first edition say so, and the fans say so. Book description: When she was a child, her father said he had "good blood" and that is why he and his wife survived and healed from the Holocaust. The author searched for the meaning and significance of her father's words over two continents and through four generations. Her journey uncovered a unique voice of wisdom revealing mysteries of the healing powers within us and the existence of light in every situation that helps us overcome and transcend any obstacle. This book is a quest into the depth of the human spirit. It is a rich fam...