
Showing posts with the label woundedness

From the blog posts of MSI Press authors: "Woundedness," a post for Easter by Dennis Ortman

  woundedness From Dr. Dennis Ortman, author of multiple award-winning books , including Anger Anonymous , Depression Anonymous , and Anxiety Anonymous . WOUNDEDNESS “By his wounds you were healed.” --I Peter 2: 24   My patients, who know that I had been a Catholic priest, occasionally ask me, “What happens to us after we die?” I respond, “I don’t really know. I suppose we return to where we came from before we were born.” The reality is that death is as much a mystery as life. However, the Scriptures give us a clue. When the risen Christ appeared after his death, his disciples did not immediately recognize him. They mistook him for a gardener, a fisherman, or a fellow traveler. In one instance, his identity became clear, inspiring the worship of a doubting Thomas. The risen Lord appeared in their locked room and showed his wounds. He said to Thomas, “Put your finger here and see my hands, and bring your hand and put it into my side and do not be unbelieving, but believe.” (J