
Publisher's Pride: Books on Bestseller Lists - The Book That (Almost) Got Me Fired - James

  Today's publisher's pride is  The Book That (Almost) Got me Fired   by Kelly James, which reached #3 on Amazon's hot new releases (in business humor) list, #33 in the general business humor category, and #69 in job hunting. Read more posts about Kelly and her book, click  HERE . Sign up for the MSI Press LLC monthly newsletter (recent releases, sales/discounts, awards, reviews, Amazon top 100 list, author advice, and more -- stay up to date)   Follow MSI Press on  Twitter ,  Face Book , and  Instagram .   Interested in publishing with MSI Press LLC?  We help writers become award-winning published authors. One writer at a time. We are a family, not a factory. Do you have a future with us? Turned away by other publishers because you are a first-time author and/or do not have a strong platform yet? If you have a strong manuscript, San Juan Books, our hybrid publishing division, may be able to help. Check out information on  how to submit a proposal . Planning on self-publish

Just released: Audiobook edition of 365 Teaching Secrets for Parents (McKlinley and Trombly)

    Released July 1, 2024: the audiobook for  365 Teacher Secrets  by Cindy McKinley Alder and Patti Trombly.  Description: This reference book, written by two experienced and successful (and, frankly, brilliant and talented) elementary school teachers, provides a day-by-day set of practical ideas and activities that parents can do at home with their elementary school-age children to help them become better students while also having fun. For more posts about Cindy and Patti and their books, click  HERE . Sign up for the MSI Press LLC monthly newsletter (recent releases, sales/discounts, awards, reviews, Amazon top 100 list, author advice, and more -- stay up to date)   Follow MSI Press on  Twitter ,  Face Book , and  Instagram .   Interested in publishing with MSI Press LLC?  We help writers become award-winning published authors. One writer at a time. We are a family, not a factory. Do you have a future with us? Turned away by other publishers because you are a first-time author and/

A Publisher's Conversation with Authors: Why are sales from my book dropping off so radically?

  It is Tuesday. Monday's madness is over, and Wednesday will take us over the hump, so Tuesday it is--for some serious discussion with authors. Tuesday talks mean to address authors in waiting and self-published authors who would like to go a more traditional route or who would at least like to take their steps with a publisher by their side.  This week's conversation takes another look at the question of sales. This time, we attempt to answer the question that accompanies an unpleasant experience that many authors have: Why are sales from my book dropping off so radically? There are always ups and downs in book sales. Some are natural. Others are the result of the times. Yet others are the result of the times in the author's life, interest, and commitment The "First" Effect The first month after book release is almost always the best for any author. That is the time that specific book launch activities take place. That is when friends and relatives jump in to bu

From the Blog Posts of MSI Press Authors: Elizabeth Mahlou's Cooking Reputation (It's not so good!)

  Today's shared blog post comes from Elizabeth Mahlou, author of A Believer-in-Waiting's First Encounters with God and Blest Atheist :   My cooking is well known -- for how bad it is. In fact, the topic figured prominently in Doah's book,  Mommy Poisoned Our House Guest . My mother gave up on teaching me to cook years ago, saying that it was too expensive because I ruined so much of what I touched. My kids quickly learned that it was better to have Donnie do the cooking, and I could almost always get them to do whatever I asked by threatening to cook. There is, however, one thing I can cook well: ham. So, for this new year's New Year dinner, I made a ham. Now, we usually go out to dinner on special occasions since it really is only Donnie, Doah, and I. However, this year, it was rainy and cold and seemed perfect for a ham dinner and fire in the fireplace. Doah was not so certain, however. Right after that, he ran hollering to Donnie, "Come quick! Mom's cookin